Welcome to Emily Missed Out; a podcast involving Emily and Breanne watching classic, pop-culture-filled movie gems that up until now, Emily has never seen.
Goal: catchin’ Emily up on movies, references, and tropes she has missed. Maybe?
Recommended Episode
Episode 2 - Back To The Future
This episode, we figure out if Emily missed out on Back to The Future, and Emily drops some logic about flying cars. There are so many cool little details about this m...

Latest Episodes
Episode 61 - Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade
Get whipped into shape with EMO's return to the Indiana Jones franchise—Emily and Breanne have skipped on over to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Highlights includ...

Episode 62 - Silence of the Lambs
Did we miss Halloween? We MISSED HALLOWEEN! We are late for our very important date with a cannibal, a murderer, a moth wrangler, and a kick-ass leading lady in our Ha...

Episode 60 - John Wick Chapter 1
The Keanu and car-fu fun continues! Emily and Breanne tackle Chapter 1 of the John Wick saga in this month's episode. Will the mystery of the Baba Yaga be revealed? W...

Episode 59 - It's a Conspiracy!: Deaths & Ghosts in Films
Our friends over at It's a Conspiracy! podcast kindly let us sit in on their episode about deaths and ghosts in films. We learned some conspiracy theories about The Wi...

Episode 58 - Speed
Hop on an elevator, bus, or train and zoom into a brand new episode of Emily Missed Out! We're back atcha in style with this episode covering Speed. Get ready for bus...