Episode 62 - Silence of the Lambs
Did we miss Halloween? We MISSED HALLOWEEN! We are late for our very important date with a cannibal, a murderer, a moth wrangler, and a kick-ass leading lady in our Halloween cinematic adventure: Silence of the Lambs.
Did we miss Halloween? We MISSED HALLOWEEN! We are late for our very important date with a cannibal, a murderer, a moth wrangler, and a kick-ass leading lady in our Halloween cinematic adventure: Silence of the Lambs.
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- Another way to look at the Slience of the Lambs/Philadelphia connection
- Let's get this right: Johns Hopkins University
- Transgender definitions, tropes and Useful Notes from TVTropes.org
- SOTL & The Office TV Show
- SOTL & Dumb & Dumber
- SOTL & South Park
- SOTL & Simpsons
- SOTL & Joe Dirt
- SOTL & The Academy Awards
- SOTL & Lego Opera
- SOTL & Garfield & The Chipmunks
- SOTL & Bob’s Burgers
- SOTL & Clerks 2
- Siskel & Ebert review SOTL
- SOTL & Friends
- Most popular wearing-human-skin movies & TV shows. Hint: SOTL is #1. Feel like Texas Chainsaw should be a contender for that one though.
- Prisoners in glass cells
- Eminem replicates a couple of scenes from SOTL in the video for You Don’t Know
🌱 Emily Missed Out is a proud member of The Alberta Podcast Network, Locally grown. Community supported.
🙏🏻 This episode was kindly sponsored by:
💗 The Edmonton Community Foundation
🤭 Email: emilymissedout@gmail.com
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