Episode 57 - Die Hard
So... Breanne and Emily disappeared from the podosphere after Christmas and had to leave their Christmas episode still in the can! (Insert frowny-face and shrug emojis here.) But with COVID happening and school out for the summer, they are opening the can, kickin' it over, and letting that Christmas episode out! Also: new EMO episodes: imminent.
So... Breanne and Emily disappeared from the podosphere after Christmas and had to leave their Christmas episode still in the can! (Insert frowny-face and shrug emojis here.) But with COVID happening and school out for the summer, they are opening the can, kickin' it over, and letting that Christmas episode out!
Also: new EMO episodes: imminent.
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- Die Hard (1988) - Trailer
- Die Hard Honest Trailer
- 10 Die Hard memes
- Yippie Ki Yay, Compilation
- Breanne didn’t explain the “Come with me if you want to live” trope, one of the famous running lines from the Terminator franchise.
🦚 Emily Missed Out is a proud member of The Alberta Podcast Network. Locally grown. Community supported.
🙏🏻 This episode was kindly sponsored by:
The Edmonton Community Foundation
The Alberta Podcast Network
🤭 Email: emilymissedout@gmail.com
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