Episode 35 - Alien... and Zack and Miri Make a Porno?
Breanne convinces Emily to watch Alien for their Halloween episode, and maybe their most pop-culturally relevant watch yet. Did Emily Miss Out? Did Zack and Miri negate any Alien-infested nightmares?
Breanne convinces Emily to watch Alien for their Halloween episode, and maybe their most pop-culturally relevant watch yet. Did Emily Miss Out? Did Zack and Miri negate any Alien-infested nightmares?
- Alien Trailer: https://youtu.be/LjLamj-b0I8
- Facebook: @emilymissedout
- Instagram: @emilymissedout
- Email: emilymissedout@gmail.com
- Interwebs: emilymissedout.com
- Network Mentions: Popcyle, I Don't Get It
- Emily Missed Out is a proud member of The Alberta Podcast Network, powered by ATB
- Kind episode sponsor: The Edmonton Community Foundation